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Pyotr Ivanovich Rachkovsky was a Russian spymaster and head of the Tsarist secret police, the Okhrana. Amoral and cunning, Rachkovsky worked throughout Europe to stamp out opposition to the Tsar's government by any means necessary. He is the main antagonist of the Nicholas Meyer novel, The Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols.

The Adventure of the Peculiar Protocols[]

Towards the end of the novel, Rachkovsky is revealed to be behind the creation of the anti-Semitic tract The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which Holmes and Watson are attempting to prove are a forgery at Mycroft's behest. They track its origin to Russia, where they successfully obtain a confession from the publisher proving it is a fraud. Rachkovsky, who has had them tailed the entire time, immediately moves to head off this potential threat to his plans.

As they attempt to flee the country, Rachkovsky has his underlings kidnaps Holmes' companion Anna Walling from their train. He then confronts Holmes and Watson, offering to return Anna in exchange for the confession. During the conversation tacitly admits to killing Manya Lippman, as well as the Zionist Theodor Herzl. As for the Protocols, he explains that he will use them to turn the Tsar against his liberal ministers, and to deflect public blame for the disastrous war with Japan onto the Jews. To save Mrs Walling, Holmes is forced to agree to his terms, and Rachkovsky leaves instructions to meet him in Budapest.

There, Holmes turns over the document as instructed, and Rachkovsky returns Mrs Walling. However, after Rachkovsky leaves Holmes reveals that he actually gave him a copy of the document, and the three return to London determined to expose the fraud.

Unfortunately, their success is limited, as in spite of the confession being published, the Protocols quickly spread through anti-Semitic circles across Europe. Mycroft explains to Watson that people will believe what they want to, no matter what the truth is.

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